Where is Décor Headed in 2017?

We’ve been researching and reading about décor trends, both those a renting resident could implement without too much difficulty and for owners looking to make small, affordable improvements. We found 4 recurring trends—meaning lots of different resources are citing them as relevant:

  • Marble accents
  • Black fixtures and hardware
  • All beige interiors
  • “Smart” home technology

We also found these additional trends emerging from various sources like House Beautiful and My Domaine and they all strike the same thematic chord:

  • Organic shapes
  • Earthy materials
  • Plants
  • Jewel tones (and more specifically, ”Greenery”, the Pantone color of the Year for 2017)

It seems the trend is towards more natural, organically oriented details in numerous areas. Adopting any of these trends could be fairly easy either in terms of shapes or material of acquired items (a new side table?) or simply adding a signature plant to your interior or painting an accent wall. Interestingly, there has also been a lot of reading lately on the health benefits of having plants in your home. For our money, that’s a double down benefit—relatively inexpensive and good for you!

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